Virtual Newcomers Orientation

Feb 19 2025, 8:30 am - 3 pm
Feb 19 2025, 8:30 am - 3 pm
Virtual Newcomers Orientation via Microsoft Teams link or audio call.
Every other Wednesday of the month. Please sign-in at least 10 minutes prior to the start time.
Registration is not required.
If you're not already a member, you will need to download Microsoft Teams (MT) and join from a browser.
For the Newcomer’s Orientation, MS Teams questions, please see contact below and link.
email: Brenda L. Pullen at +1(301)677-4107 or +1(301)677-5590
*Note: Not Required, if possible, please provide email address and whether you had a sponsor.
Newcomer’s Orientation Link:
**Recommendation: Please ensure your Service Members or someone in your work area have access to MS Teams.
Meeting ID: 993 329 535 576
Passcode: uX3R4oa3
Dial in by phone
+1 571-616-7941,,368581323# United States, Engleside (Virginia Beach)
Phone conference ID: 368 581 323#
Logging On:
Please be advised that due to migration to Army 365, at this time only certain devices such as desktop computers and laptops are able to access this virtual platform. You will not be able to access this Brief if you attempt to log on using a smartphone, tablet or iPad.
Additionally, you do not need to have an Army 365 account to (present or access this Brief). All participants can access this workshop via a laptop or desktop computer with a secure/private internet access (the internet is set to private).
On the day of the Brief you will click onto the link or copy the link into a web browser. Once the Website opens, it will give you an option to connect either by "App" or "Join by Web Browser" please choose "Join by Web Browser". You may be admitted into the "waiting area" please stand by in that area until one of the administrators lets you into the Brief.
1. Participants must be on the MS Teams call for both sessions. Roll call will periodically occur; participants not responding will not be given credit for completing Newcomers.2. Proof of Completion: There’s NO need to physically come to ACS to get your in-processing papers signed. A validation/confirmation email will be sent to you from Ms. Pullen via of email: to provide to your organization as proof of attendance.
Army Community Service
Military DSN (312)622-5590